Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Sunday, May 10th 3:10 PM
Hey Everyone! Midwest Girl 84 here . . talking about Mother's Day . . well I'm not a mom myself . . but I DID have a wonderful time with my mother in law and the rest of the family . . .
We all watched Star Treck the Next Generation as well as a really old Star Treck Movie that my mother-in-law grew up with . . well . . actually I really grew up with it too because of the old movies my parents used to rent from the public library. : ) Good Memories!

Anyway, my sister in law and her boyfriend had a hankering for chocolate chip cookies and I made them! They were good and they are all gone now. hee hee . . . . I worked on some songs for church next week and bla bla bla . . . I'm going to relax today and think about hte plan for next week.

well I'll catch you all later .. . - Midwestgirl84

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hi . . My name is Midwest Girl

I like to talk about stuff . . you know? . .. Important stuff . . goofy/not-so-important stuff . . . whatever . . you know? . . I just like to clear the air about stuff . . ..

So . . . what better place to do it than a blog channel : )

I'm also from the Midwest . . and we Midwesterners like everybody to be nice to everyone else . . including nice to me . . . so . . . I don't tend to get into arguments if I know it's going to cause someone to get red in the face. - see . . it's the everyone has to be friendly and nice - part of me again : )

Anyway . . take it or leave it . . . I'm going to say what I believe and if you don't like it . . no need to yell or even leave a nasty comment . . just take that little mouse of yours and click to close the screen . . . .see . . . EASY! Come to think of it . . wouldn't it be that much easier to get along with every one if people just did that in real life too?! . . like "Oh ya . . . I can just "close this argument" just like I "close a window on the internet" . . . hmm . . . yah that's really all I have to do . . . . . . walk . . . away . . . . respect . . people . . hmmmmmm . . . .

What a thought! - (Now if only I could send this to all those angry people out there . . hmm . . . and yes . . if only they would listen . . . . ) what a thought! : )

Well . . . I will leave you with that thought for today . . .

- midwestgirl84